Category: 编程

Crossplatform OS C++ Framework 0

Crossplatform OS C++ Framework

Today, I make up my mind to spend 3 months on developing a C++ Framework to resolve cross-platform development. It should realize the source code level compatibility. My current goal is to cover windows,...

Carbide C++ can not make ARMV5 SIS 0

Carbide C++ can not make ARMV5 SIS

Yes. That is right. Do not bother reinstalling Carbide and S60 SDK again and again. That is just the case. I wasted all my last night on this struggle and it turned out to...

Inf 格式详解 0

Inf 格式详解

INF 文件必须包含以下规则: 节( Sections )开始于由中括号 ([]) 扩起来的节名 必须包含版本信息节以表明自己属于 win95 还是 winnt4 格式。 值 (Value) 由 %strkey% 替代的表达式字符串表达组成, strkey 必须在 strings 节中定义。如果出现 % ,则用 %% 替代。 Setup 程序使用以下各节 : [Version] 必须包含在 INF 文件中,表明 inf 文件格式...